Real Estate Sonoma
Sonoma County Residential and Vineyard Real Estate Blog by Marie H. Clay
Thank you for visiting my blog. I've dedicated it to educating buyers of vineyard and country property. You will find articles on viticulture news, wine country real estate, advice on developing vineyards, looking for horse property, how to evaluate a rural property and more.
What’s It Going to Cost Me?
Financial considerations of vineyard ownership What are the basic financial implications of vineyard ownership? I’ve tried to outline the basics here, but the information here is no substitute for the advice of a good lawyer and accountant. Before actually purchasing any vineyard property, we urge you to consult a professional. If you need the name
Financing a Vineyard
The rest of this section was written before the subprime market collapse and although still technically true, the ‘mixed use’ lenders mentioned below were all technically subprime lenders – loans not resellable to FannyMae or FreddyMac – and they have all run for cover. As far as we can tell, first deeds of trust on
Sonoma County Appelations
View an interactive satellite mapĀ of Sonoma County vineyards on WineMap.org.
Flavors of Wineries | Custom Crush Vs. Building
What do you mean when you say “winery?” We get a lot of people coming to us saying the want a winery, and the first thing we have to do is find out what they are really interested in. The term winery can mean a lot of things. A “label” This is a legal brand
The Ins and Outs of Winemaking
Economics You can make more money selling wine than selling grapes – but you also take a great deal more risk. Wineries have success rates similar to restaruants and it is not a venture to be taken on lightly. There are excellent margins in a well run winery operation, but you have to be able
The Annual Cycle
What’s a year in the life of a vineyard actually like? Well, the winters are nice. In winter, the vines are dormant, little work is being done in the vineyard, except for the 100 year storm that seems to come every year, so drainage repair and erosion control are the primary tasks. Sonoma gets 35″
Day to Day Farming
There are a few key things you need to keep you eye on growing grapes. It lays out pretty simply here, but the vagaries of the weather and the way these things interract makes it a constant struggle. Water The main gas peddle on growing a grape is water and you’ll here a thousand different
The Process of Buying a Vineyard
A Complex Process Although the basic steps of purchasing a country property are the same as when purchasing a house on a city lot – offer, negotiation, contract, disclosure, inspections, release, funding and close – each step is quite different for country and vineyard property and the time frames overall are usually much longer. Offer
Valuing Country and Vineyard Property
There are two main ways that all real estate is valued. The first is by comparable – similar properties that have sold recently. Comparables are used to establish the value of 99% of real estate sold and are by far the most reliable way to value any piece of real estate. The other main way